Time Lapse construction of the highest quality fiberglass pool available,
a San Juan Pool
a San Juan Pool
San Juan pools are the strongest pools in the world.
Just two strands of San Juan fiberglass are able to lift over 400 lbs!
Every San Juan pool has two layers if this material. San Juan Pools
are the strongest pools in the world.
Just two strands of San Juan fiberglass are able to lift over 400 lbs!
Every San Juan pool has two layers if this material. San Juan Pools
are the strongest pools in the world.
San Juan Fiberglass Pool flex test #5
15,000 lb. Semi truck supported by San Juan Pool
15,000 lb. Semi truck supported by San Juan Pool
San Juan Fiberglass Pools are bullet proof! Shot with a 44 Mag.
Learn about the difference in hand laid glass!
Learn about the difference in hand laid glass!
San Juan Fiberglass Pools are the worlds strongest swimming pools.
hey can be placed in boiling water, then frozen to -320F with liquid nitrogen and then reheated to room temperature with no damage. Freezing temperatures
have no effect on San Juan Fiberglass swimming pool.
hey can be placed in boiling water, then frozen to -320F with liquid nitrogen and then reheated to room temperature with no damage. Freezing temperatures
have no effect on San Juan Fiberglass swimming pool.
Floating San Juan Pool